Accueil > Etudes, Livres Blancs et présentations sur la veille et l’intelligence > Focus on Competitiveness

Focus on Competitiveness

lundi 7 octobre 2013

Michael Porter, the famous Harvard Professor expert in Strategy presented recently some ideas about the role that the “competitive intelligence” has in the organizations of the future. That´s a new collaborative platform between the different actors, with the strategic challenge of reinforcing the central competences of society and qualifying them as the unique ways of creation of value and modernity. Europe is facing also a unique opportunity. There is more and more a sense of “competitive intelligence” in the new time that all of us want for Europe in the future.

The challenge of “competitive inteligence” demands an effective Partnership Contract between all the actors (States, Universities, Companies, Civil Society), in order to build a real Strategy of Confidence in the implementation of the different policies. The focus on Innovation and Knowledge as the drivers of creating added value with international dissemination is a unique challenge that may be the answer to a new way of interaction between those who have the responsibility of thinking and those that have the responsibility of producing goods and services.

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