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Competitive Intelligence in the News : HP

jeudi 6 mai 2010

As they say in the Lion King, it is all about “the circle of life.” Things begin with a new idea. A few of those ideas result in compelling products. For a small minority of those products, the right people come together to create a valuable proposition for customers. With customers in hand, the company grows and prospers. One day, competitors begin to envy the company’s success. Meanwhile, the competitive environment gets tough. What will the company do ? Can it adapt and continue to be successful. Some companies do and go on to bigger and better things. However, all too often, some “die.” Swallowed up by another, stronger company that extracts what is valuable from the dying company.

So, we mourn the passing of Palm- subsumed into the HP technology behemoth. How did this happen ? What are the implications for HP ? How does it affect others ? Competitive intelligence plays a role in answering such questions.

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